
Well, if you’ve gotten this far, you probably know all “about” us. But, just in case you need a refresher, I will oblige. We are Camille and Phillip, or more commonly known as The Adams Family. We just got married in June (of 2009, in case you’re reading this in, like, 2013 and are thinking, “wow, they JUST got married? when did that happen?”) and got our first pet, Soxer the month after that. She is almost as cute as Phillip, and almost as affectionate as Camille. We never dress her up in outfits.

We never take pictures, so don’t expect too many photos to be posted.

We like to run (actually, Phillip likes to run, Camille just does it because she needs to), and always invite anyone who wants to come to see us race. And now that I’m writing this, I’m going to start arranging for Phillip and I to race in the park once a month, and invite our friends to come and cheer us on. I will loose every time, but it will still be fun.

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