
Well we did it – we bought a house! We’re officially old.

No really, I feel as though buying a house aged me several years. Bring on the depends.

So we bought this house:

…and some parts of it looked like this:

(PS – that’s not our furniture. Tee hee.)

…so then we did some of this:

(plus lots of painting, furniture-ing, installing, sweating, bleeding)

and now it sort of looks like this:

As you can see, we clearly have a lot more furniture-ing to do. And still some painting, and yard-ing, and things-on-wall-ing to do. But we’re open for guests, and will greet any visitors (minus the insect kind) with open arms and iced tea!

PS – PLEASE! If you have any decorating tips, I am in DESPERATE need of some decor guidance, and would LOVE to hear your ideas! Leave a comment and tell me what you think would be super cute/fun/fancy!

3 responses to this post.

  1. I LOVE it!!!! We should get together and paint you some art for your walls!!!!


  2. Yes! A Phillip and Camille post. I like that you both have two Ls in the middle of your names. Okay, these aren’t specific decorating ideas, these are just houses I love…




    And here are a few ideas. I strongly recommend pinterest if you want lots of ideas! LOVE YOU!



  3. Posted by Chey on August 29, 2011 at 9:24 pm

    Love your new home! It’s beautiful! I think you should put a pic of Tam dressed as Frida Kahlo (from some past Halloween) on your blue wall… 🙂 j/k… but then again… not a bad idea.. eh?


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